Created 11-Mar-10

2025 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 21
Modified 21-Mar-25
4556 photos

2024 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 206
Modified 7-Dec-24
22409 photos

2023 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 207
Modified 10-Jan-24
20322 photos

2022 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 34
Modified 6-Apr-23
5375 photos

2021 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 19
Modified 23-Nov-22
2279 photos

2020 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 6
Modified 19-Dec-20
1015 photos

2019 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 38
Modified 28-Oct-21
6620 photos

2018 CMP Event Photos

Galleries 24
Modified 28-Oct-21
3325 photos

CMP Talladega Marksmanship Park Events

Galleries 13
Modified 2-Apr-24
565 photos

2017 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 24
Modified 28-Oct-21
3320 photos

2016 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 17
Modified 1-Mar-17
3529 photos

2015 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 10
Modified 17-Feb-16
631 photos

2014 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 18
Modified 18-Mar-15
5075 photos

2013 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 16
Modified 17-Nov-14
4288 photos

2012 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 17
Modified 21-Feb-13
2392 photos

2011 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 15
Modified 22-May-12
2696 photos

2010 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 7
Modified 15-Jul-11
1359 photos

2009 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 4
Modified 11-May-13
544 photos

2006 CMP Photo Archives

Galleries 1
Modified 8-Sep-14
57 photos

Other CMP Photos

Galleries 62
Modified 5-Feb-21
2157 photos

Posed with Rifle

Visitors 423
48 photos
Created 10-Jun-24
Modified 10-Jun-24
Posed with Rifle

Guestbook for All Photographs
Beautiful shots
Karl Ess(non-registered)
I competed in the 1961 Nat'l Match and was impressed positively, and educated. While I thought that 290 (out of 300) was a decent score I quickly found out that top 10 all shot a 300 and it was the # of X's that was the determinant. Education came in handy as 2 months later I was drafted (age 23) and had a good idea in "How to survive Basic Training". Sadly, I never made it back but never-the-less I am pleased that the CMP survives. As an aside, I still have and still shoot my 1911A1 (Parkerized) I bought through NRA/CMP for a whopping $17.00 . I am however no longer competitive as 86 years takes a toll. I find it interesting that in the early 50's I was able to bring my .22 cal rifle to school on the school bus for after school gun club. How times change! Not only Big Brother, but alas most of the citizenry seem to have a negative viewpoint re: kids and guns. It's OK to train our kids to read & write, and even to be violent on the football field - but to learn about gun safety is frowned upon. People forget that history only indicates a use of weapon with gunpowder in 1300's. Yet for over 4,000 years after Cain slew Abel with a ROCK, folks found numerous ways to kill one another (and they still do today). Guns DON'T kill - people do. My guns have never loaded themselves, aimed themselves, pointed themselves at a victim, nor operated their trigger to discharge a projectile. And yet people want to take away my guns and feel safer. I think not! THANK YOU CMP for all you do. Time to shut up as my cardiologist is opposed to my getting excited. Bye now.
Lisa Rose Paulsen(non-registered)
I shot at The National Matches in around 1980 w/ my team and my Coach, David Lyman from Blue Trail Rifle Range in Middlefield, CT.
What I remember most were the sleeping conditions and shower accommodations lol. I’m sure they’ve been nicely updated by now ;-) And the Military Police! Yikes
RIP Dave & Jay
Larry Shoemaker(non-registered)
Waiting on my very first M1 Garand rifle to arrive! Ordered through the CMP on January 15, 2021. Can't believe I will actually own one of the greatest battle implement ever devised! All thanks to the CMP, the awesome armourers and all employees working there because of their unselfish devotion and passion for keeping History alive which makes it all possible for me to own one! GOD BLESS you all! Keep up the AWESOME work!
Hello sir, this was the LAST ITEM ON MY BUCKET LIST . the first time shooting in it , it was a pleasure to find everyone so very helpful and a beautiful range .
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