Created 27-Jul-18

3P Air Rifle Match

Visitors 128
0 photos
Created 27-Jul-18
Modified 27-Jul-18

Awards Night

Visitors 39
0 photos
Created 27-Jul-18
Modified 27-Jul-18

Camp and Staff Photos

Visitors 65
0 photos
Created 29-Jul-18
Modified 29-Jul-18

Camp Perry

Visitors 64
0 photos
Created 27-Jul-18
Modified 27-Jul-18

Camp Perry Sunrise

Visitors 14
0 photos
Created 28-Jul-18
Modified 28-Jul-18

CMP International Air Rifle Match

Visitors 0
0 photos
Created 29-Jul-18
Modified 29-Jul-18

Coach Groups

Visitors 78
0 photos
Created 27-Jul-18
Modified 27-Jul-18


Visitors 28
0 photos
Created 27-Jul-18
Modified 27-Jul-18

Dewar 50 & 100 Match

Visitors 40
0 photos
Created 28-Jul-18
Modified 28-Jul-18

Firing Lines

Visitors 38
0 photos
Created 29-Jul-18
Modified 29-Jul-18

International Air Practice

Visitors 44
0 photos
Created 29-Jul-18
Modified 29-Jul-18

International Air Rifle Final Match

Visitors 26
0 photos
Created 29-Jul-18
Modified 29-Jul-18

Kneeling practice

Visitors 46
0 photos
Created 29-Jul-18
Modified 29-Jul-18


Visitors 36
0 photos
Created 29-Jul-18
Modified 29-Jul-18

Offhand Practice

Visitors 82
0 photos
Created 29-Jul-18
Modified 29-Jul-18

Ohio National Guard

Visitors 17
0 photos
Created 29-Jul-18
Modified 29-Jul-18


Visitors 55
0 photos
Created 29-Jul-18
Modified 29-Jul-18


Visitors 26
0 photos
Created 29-Jul-18
Modified 29-Jul-18

Prone Practice

Visitors 30
0 photos
Created 29-Jul-18
Modified 29-Jul-18

Smallbore Match

Visitors 40
0 photos
Created 27-Jul-18
Modified 27-Jul-18

Target Lines

Visitors 22
0 photos
Created 29-Jul-18
Modified 29-Jul-18

Targets & Shooters

Visitors 60
0 photos
Created 29-Jul-18
Modified 29-Jul-18

Thank Yous

Visitors 41
0 photos
Created 29-Jul-18
Modified 29-Jul-18

Guestbook for CMP Junior Rifle Camp Smallbore & Air Rifle
Coach Bob Cain(non-registered)
Wonderful camp experience for my group of junior shooters. Many personnel best targets shot during the week. Kudos to CMP for sponsoring this worthwhile camp. Can't wait until next year!
The guestbook is empty.